Psychotherapist | Parenting Coach + Educator

Individual Counseling | West LA | Allison LaTona, M.F.T.

Twigtale stories help children cope with transitions, emotions and navigate challenging situations such as a new sibling, moving, illness, loss of a grandparent


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Full disclosure: Twigtale is a company that I am affilated with as an expert advisor and author. I met the founders several years ago through Babygroup with their children. They ultimately came to me with the idea to enable parents everywhere to tap into expert language to help children through transitions and challenging situations with these revolutionary personalized books. I had been encouraging parents for years to make a story book to help their child through a transition, so the idea that a parent could implement the process more easily online with customizable narrations already created was a wonderful union of resources to offer parents.

Stories that communicate information around experiences, along with illustration, can be a powerful visual tool that improves understanding and acceptance. As Twigtale books utilize personalized narration AND photos, the story becomes even more engaging, relevant fun, and effective for a young child. The information shared can inspire learning, enhance understanding, and provide a sense of safety and reassurance. Stories can help children with the challenging areas of growing, such as coping with transitions and change, facing specific situations such as a new sibling, and dealing with their emotions.

Following are 2 Twigtale Blog entries by Allison:
Coping with Preschool Anxiety



Big Sister Mazie!

Expecting a new baby? Prepare your older child for his or her new sibling.

The purpose of this book is to prepare your child for the arrival of a new baby and becoming a big brother or sister.

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Mazie is Moving

Fear. Excitement. Confusion. All are common emotions for a child to feel when facing a move. Prepare them with memories of the old home and photos of the new home.

This book prepares your child for the upcoming move from one home to another.

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I Am Big Sister Lauren

Has a new baby joined your family? Help your older child adjust to his or her new sibling.

This book helps your older child adjust to their new role as big brother or big sister through extra love, guidance and reassurance...

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Mama Always Comes Back

Separation anxiety can be paralyzing to a child and heartbreaking for the parent. Reassure your child that they are loved and remembered and that you will always come back.

This book prepares the child for the inevitable separations that occur from Mommy or Daddy...

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Mommy and Daddy Go On A Trip

You are ready to get away for a vacation, but you are worried about how your child will cope while you are gone. Help ease everyone’s anxiety with this book.

This book outlines for a child an upcoming event or trip that will take their parents away from them.

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Savannah's Busy Day

Help your child get a handle on their daily routine. This book will walk them through the schedule and activities that he or she might encounter in a given day.

This book defines the structure and sequence of a child’s daily routine.

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Savannah Says "Bye-Bye Paci!"

Need to wean your child from the pacifier? This personalized children’s book shows your child that stopping pacifier use may be a difficult transition, but he or she can do it!

Because Twigtale’s books are customized to your child with personal photos, the messages are much more effective.

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Max's New Bed

Time to move your toddler from the crib to a bed? This personalized children’s book helps prepare your child for the upcoming transition to a bed!

Because Twigtale’s books are customized to your child with personal photos, the messages are much more effective.

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Averie Uses The Potty

Help your toddler master one of the toughest transitions — the potty — with this personalized children’s book on potty training.

Because Twigtale’s books are customized to your child with personal photos, the messages are much more effective.

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Bye Bye Daisy

Losing a pet is difficult for the entire family. This personalized children’s book helps your toddler understand and cope with the loss of a pet.

Because Twigtale’s books are customized to your child with personal photos, the messages are much more effective.

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Changes in My Family

The purpose of this personalized children’s book is to help the child understand and deal with the family change of divorce or separation, and also how a divorce or separation will affect them, using age-appropriate language (you will have an opportunity to differentiate whether the book is about a divorce or separation).

Because Twigtale’s books are customized to your child with personal photos, the messages are much more effective.

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My Mommy Has a Problem in Her Body

The purpose of this book is to help a child deal with a loved one who has a cancer (or other illness) that needs to be surgically handled. Since the implications of cancer can be so significant in terms of overall health and prognosis, parents’ inclination is often to shield the child from too much detail, so as not to cause concern. However, what we know is that children are like “sponges” and can sense the feelings of the household....

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Bye Bye Grandpa

The purpose of this book is to help a child understand and deal with death of a loved one.  Our culture is generally not comfortable talking about death or the grieving process, and is inclined to shield children from it as well. Yet talking with children about the reality of the life cycle, using developmentally appropriate and concrete language, is a valuable opportunity to help them embrace death without fear.

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Learning to Stand Tall and Act Brave

This story highlights the critical concepts of turn-taking, sharing, reading social cues, and empathizing. “Learning to Stand Tall and Act Brave” models respectful behavior and how to cope with challenges from friends.

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